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What is 21/90 rule and how to use it effectively.

Many times we make some resolutions to ourself. In the beginning, we are firmly confident that we will complete that resolution without any hesitation. But as time passes, almost all of these resolutions become a second priority.

Many of you will be here because you want to change certain things in your life or you want to adopt some good habits for the betterment of your life. Which is a great thing!

We give up too easily. Even if we try to give maximum effort, we are not able to make those resolutions into a habit. Which obviously we don't want to happen.

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."
 - Jim Ryun

So you will be wondering how to turn any particular work into a habit. There is a simple rule called as 21/90 rule. You just need to follow it and master your own habits.

"I have learned that champions aren't just born; champions can be made when they embrace and commit to life-changing positive habits."                       
-Lewis Howes

What 21/90 rule is :

Habit is a difficult thing to achieve if it is a good habit and also equally difficult to quit if it's a bad habit. Even with the strongest will, one finds it extremely difficult to make a habit.

So the 21/90 rule states that it takes 21 days to make a habit and 90 days to make a lifestyle. Commit a goal for straight 21 days and it will become a habit. And beyond that, if you can do a thing for consecutively 90 days, it will become a part of your daily routine. You no longer need to worry about it.

It sounds an easy task but one needs a strong will and determination to strictly follow this rule. Following things may help to achieve that :

Make a proper plan: It may sound easy but believe me this is the hardest to follow and apply. See, making a proper plan for your routine is not a big job. But what comes next is the big game, the execution! This is where your will power and determination will be tested from time to time.

Find your motivation: This is where it all starts. Why are you doing this? Ask this question to yourself many times and if you got a pretty strong reason, it will become fuel for your journey. When you feel down, just try to remember why you even started it in the first place and why it deserves the hardship you have been going through.

Be honest and consistent: Like I said before, thinking and making a plan is a damn easy job. Consistency is the key here. And be honest to yourself. If there is a need to say no then say "NO!". In the end, you are the one who matters the most.

Enjoy the process not only the result: Imagine you are watching a sport. You sit through the entire match because that's what gives you joy, irrespective of the results. That's what makes the time more interesting. Same goes with your resolution. If you are only attached to the result, not the process, soon you will lose faith as the result may turn out to be disappointing. If you are not enjoying the process, you are just putting your precious time into something that you are not enjoying.

BELIEVE: You better know it!

Do you have any resolutions to start? Any habit to acquire? Just give the 21/90 rule a try and I assure you that you will not be disappointed. I can't assure you that your journey with this 21/90 rule will be a piece of cake. But you have to stick to it at the end of the line. You have to bear all the suffering, all the hard time. After all, these are the things which make our life so interesting. 

Hope your next resolutions be as successful as you. And always remember, good things always take time.


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