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Why comparing yourself with others is bad for you.

you are perfect

“Don't compare yourself with anyone in the world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.”        ~ Bill Gates

Do you always compare yourself with someone else with more success and power? Do you sometimes want to have someone else's life? If so then you need to stop thinking like this. Each and every person is unique and is capable of achieving anything. YES! ANYTHING.

Do not try to be anyone else, be yourself. Compete with yourself and win! Always try to be better than yesterday.

Just concentrate on your goals, put your all efforts to achieve it.

When you are comparing yourself with anyone else, you are unknowingly getting distracted from your goals and unknowingly putting your energy in someone else's life. You are wasting your energy which you should be putting into your goals.

Be so busy improving yourself that you should not have time to compare yourself with anyone else.

you are perfect

In this world of 7.2 billion population, you have a different identity, different capabilities.
 Just explore them and live your life as you want. That's what makes you so amazing and special.

When someone achieves something great, we just see the success, not the efforts he/she had put into in order to achieve that success, how many late nights and early mornings he/she had worked hard.

you are perfect

All the famous personalities we know today have achieved success not by using someone else's strategy but by creating their own path, the path full of failure, stress, rejections, depression. They could have said that it is impossible, but they refused to give up and as a result, they are successful today.

Work and focus on your garden. Cherish your dreams and you will definitely taste the fruit of your hard work and efforts

Enjoy the randomness of your journey. Not everyone will live the exact same life, that's what makes all of this such a gift.

Don't worry about what you have done in past. Don't pay attention to how people will react. Life will always throw obstacles at you, but it is up to you to take it as a failure or an opportunity. If you take it as an opportunity, no one can stop you from reaching your dream.

So, stop worrying and start living. Hope you have a great journey ahead.


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