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Some of the most famous failures.

famous failures

“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.”                                                                                     – J.K. Rowling

Have you ever failed? Probably many times. In that case, it is a good thing. How? We all know how many times did Thomas Alva Edison fail, 1000. That's a big number. But what Edison said was "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work, our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

If you don't have room to fail, you don't have room to grow. So here are some of the most famous failures,

Abraham Lincoln-   Failed in business three times and failed to campaign seven times before becoming president of the United States.                                                                                              
Albert Einstein- Did not speak until he was four years old. Was expelled from school for being 'mentally slow' (can you believe that?)                                                                        
Thomas Edison-  Teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything. Failed many times during inventions.                                                                                                           
Steve Jobs- Was removed from the company he started.                                                                              
Walt Disney- Fired from a newspaper for lacking imagination and not having original ideas.                                                                                                          
Stephen king- His first book was rejected 30 times.                                                                                     
J. K. Rowling- Was unemployed, divorced and raising a daughter on social security while writing the first Harry Potter novel. Her novel 'Harry Potter' was rejected by 12 publishing houses.

“Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try.”

― Jack Canfield, Chicken Soup for the Soul

famous failures

So, next time if you fail, fail hard...


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