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Why Motivation Alone Won’t Make You Successful. Without action, motivation means nothing.


Why Motivation Alone Won’t Make You Successful. Without action, motivation means nothing.

Motivation alone won’t make you successful. Learn why you must be committed to taking action and doing whatever it takes to reach your full potential. Motivation without momentum or action is simply hype. Unless you do something every day that brings you closer to your goals, you will not accomplish anything at all. If your dreams don’t work unless you do, then motivation without implementation is the road to nowhere. This is very common because it feels great to be inspired and motivated. However, that doesn’t apply to taking consistent action.

Here are some never-ending excuses people use to distract themselves from taking action:

I am too busy. I don’t have time. I am tired. It’s boring work. It won’t work anyway, so why bother? I don’t want to! Not feeling it today.

Whatever you do, do not make excuses for not getting started or doing something every day that moves you towards your dream. Stop making the same excuses over and over again, because that is just a natural reflex of your mind to avoid taking action when it feels too uncomfortable or challenging and change is happening way too slowly. The truth is that you will never be able to achieve your goals if you don’t start taking consistent action daily.

Here are some immediate actions you can take today, which will stop making excuses and help you get started:

Dare yourself to do something every day. Read a motivational article every day. Do what it takes to start moving towards your dream as soon as possible. (You won’t make any progress if you keep waiting for the perfect moment or when things seem convenient.) Stay motivated and focused on what you want every day by reading inspirational articles about people who are doing what they love or who already have what you want. Wake up early and do something related to your dream. Take action every day. Talk about your dream with people around you, and share as much information as possible. Stay committed to yourself and take consistent action! Do something every single day that moves you towards your dreams. Read books about goal-setting, improving self-talk, making a plan for achieving big goals and taking consistent action every day.

You Must Be Committed To Taking Action And Doing Whatever It Takes To Reach Your Full Potential.

If you’re always waiting for inspiration, that’s a problem.  Action very often precedes motivation.  Once you start doing an activity, motivation starts to kick in. Inspiration is a byproduct of action and doing.

Take action and you’ll find yourself inspired!

You can’t just sit back and expect things to happen with no action on your part. You must also be fully convinced that you have the power to achieve your dreams. It’s all about making a choice, knowing what you want, desiring it with all your heart and taking consistent actions every day towards it. That takes willpower and commitment, but it’s also fun, rewarding and personally empowering!

Successful people always have a burning desire to accomplish something in life. They are willing to take risks by moving out of their comfort zones. Successful people always act before thinking; they act fast on an opportunity or idea. Finally, successful people always learn from their failures and experiences whereas unsuccessful people keep doing the same mistakes over and over again.

Some people wait for opportunities to come knocking at their door while others go out there and create opportunities for themselves. If you want something badly enough, find a way to get it or simply make it yourself. Focus on the result and allow it to motivate you.

The hardest part is taking that first step. The key is to always stay motivated, inspired, determined and focused on your goals. The harder you work towards your goals, the more results you will see. Likewise, the bigger the goal, the greater the reward.

You may not have control over the price of petrol or your boss’s deplorable working habits but you CAN control how hard or long you work and what effort you put into something! You can also choose HOW you do something – this is called excellence.

Motivation alone will not make you successful. Motivation alone can be dangerous since you might use it to justify a poor action or excuse for it. If you’re at the bottom of the grand canyon and you’re trying to decide if you should jump, that’s not a good sign of great motivation! Likewise, if your “motivation” is based on the desire to have power over other people, then that is also a pretty weak reason for pursuing success.

You can trick yourself into thinking something is your motivation when it’s just an excuse for things you do not want to do.


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