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How auto suggestion works. Unlocking the subconscious mind.


"A man is literally what he thinks." - James Allen

Autosuggestion is a psychological term which works by using self-induced affirmations that make it possible for individuals to steer their thoughts, feelings or behaviour. Many of us can use this autosuggestion to achieve our goal or even use it to improve the quality of our day to day life. Autosuggestion works by placing ideas into your subconscious mind and making it believe that they are true.

No thought, positive or negative can enter your subconscious mind without autosuggestion. Your ability to use autosuggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate on a desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession.

"Don't you know that the very thing a man dreads is the thing that always happens?"       - Mark Twain

What is the subconscious mind?
Before proceeding, we must know what is the subconscious mind. Your subconscious is a part of your mind that can influence you or affect your behaviour even though you are not aware of it. Simply put, the subconscious mind is a secondary system of your mind that unknowingly runs your life.

If one learns and masters auto-suggestion technique then that individual can build a communication path between the conscious and subconscious mind. And ultimately can achieve success and happiness. This kind of communication is a difficult one because it should be done with emotions. Only the thoughts that are backed up by genuine emotions make it to the back of your mind. And are hold there together through strong emotions.

But one thing to remember here is that both positive, as well as negative thoughts, can be fed to your mind and will be acted in that way. Unfortunately, the negative thoughts are stronger than the positive thoughts and are more likely to be adopted by the mind. But, that's not always true. Even if the negative thoughts are constantly breaching your mind, you can eliminate them by practice.

"Every man is free to rise as far as he's able or willing, but the degree to which he thinks determines the degree to which he'll rise." - Ayn Rand

How autosuggestion actually works?
Do you most of the time say that "I am tired!" or "I am feeling dull!" and actually feel the same? It happens not because of your physical state but rather a mental state. If you think about anything constantly, your mind will adopt that thought and if there is a strong reason, it will accept it.

Autosuggestion can work from a single simple idea to any gigantic goal. Let us take an example, you want an XYZ thing to happen or want to have possession of it(it can be anything). So, how can you put autosuggestion to the work? Simply think and act like you have already achieved that XYZ thing. Close your eyes and concentrate your thoughts on the thing, until you can see the physical appearance of that thing.

You have to repeat this each and every day. Repetition is the key here. Reserve some time of the day for this activity. And while doing this, don't let any other thought to interfere autosuggestion.

You are simply tricking your subconscious mind that you already have the thing you want the most. And by doing so eventually lead that to happen. You can also write down that XYZ thing on a paper and read it aloud until you memorize it.

The above-mentioned technique consists of repetition and visualization. There is another autosuggestion technique called an affirmation, in which positive affirmations are used to replace negative thoughts, opinions or beliefs.

"How much we can do depends on how much we think we can do. When you really believe you can do more, your mind thinks creatively and shows you the way." - David J. Schwartz

Final Thoughts
Applying autosuggestion is not plain sailing. Often times you may get discouraged. But you have to keep doing it consistently. Like said before, thoughts that are backed up by genuine emotions make it to the back of your mind, make sure you have a valid reason and emotion connected to it. Faith is the strongest, and most productive of the emotion. Have FAITH!


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